Paul Gauguin - Vahine no te tiare

Paul Gauguin: First Impressions

Special Exhibitions /08.05.2025 - 06.12.2026

May will see the opening of an entire exhibition floor dedicated to one of the museum’s most distinctive characters: the French artist Paul Gauguin (1848-1903). The floor will feature a display of a wide selection of Gauguin’s works from the museum’s unique collection, including paintings, ceramics, drawings, and woodcarvings.

His symbolic use of color, boldly applied in broad flat areas outlined with dark paint, have made Paul Gauguin one of the most iconic – and most controversial – figures in the history of Western art. To this day, his lengthy stay in the former French colony of Tahiti, his intimate relationships with young girls, and his romanticised depictions of other peoples and cultures often arouse strong emotions and intense debate.

In the light of the artist’s circuitous trajectory and radical imagery, this presentation of works from the museum’s collection invites guests to reflect on the importance of the complex legacy of Paul Gauguin the human being and artist – a legacy that balances groundbreaking aesthetics and problematic ethics and challenges our understanding of the role and scope of art in a postcolonial world.

The exhibition is generously supported by:

Knud højgaards fond

Jorcks fond

Statens Kunstfond

Hoffmann og Husmans Fond

Toyota Fonden



See the exciting activities and events, the Glyptotek has to offer. Please note, the events in Danish will not be presented here. Go to the Danish version of the homepage to see all events.


Enjoy a delicious lunch at Picnic overlooking the Glyptotek's beautiful Winter Garden.

Iconoclasm – Art as a Battleground

In the exhibition the Glyptotek tells the story of our tempestuous relationship with art and what compels us to destroy it.