Catalogue for the exhibition Bes. Demon God – Protector of Egypt, Glyptoteket, 2021
The demon god Bes was above all a protector of Egypt, as manifested in a variety of ways over the ages. This publication takes a closer look at the themes of the exhibition Bes. Demon God – Protector of Egypt. Who was Bes? What role did he play in sexuality, as a musician or alongside other gods? And why was he so popular in Nubia, Egypt’s southern neighbour?
With contributions by
Jørgen Podemann Sørensen
Lise Manniche
Christian E. Loeben
Olaf E. Kaper
Pavel Onderka
nr. of pages
Additional Info
Tine Bagh and Lise Manniche (eds.), Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 2021,